Happy weekend, everyone!
I greatly apologize in advance that I will be unable to write a lot this weekend, but I have my aunt and grandma who came in from Rhode Island this weekend, and I will be extremely busy! I am excited to see them because it has been a little over two years since we have seen them, and the last time that we saw them was when we were in Rhode Island....the vacation that gave me the direction where I really wanted to go with my writing. Speaking of which, we were all in Crown Point tonight because my mom was in a choir/orchestra concert, the Ingram's hometown. What a splendid evening this was. Well, with this in mind, I will give you ten fun and quick facts that you should know about the characters that might be a little confusing, because of what I had already written in previous novels, so I wanted to clarify a few pointers. * In Rockybado, the Ingram's indicate that their cousin has an obsession with spiders. Just to clarify, this person briefly appears in The Revenge of the Naught Blue Aliens but is never a major character. His name is Brian Sirtis, and he is actually the Ingram's second cousin on their mom's side. The Ingram's have only four primary cousins, and they are all girls. * In the novel after The Revenge of the Naughty Blue Aliens (both will take place in either 2013 or 2014. I have not officially decided yet, and of course the name of that novel escapes me at the moment), Dawson and Brody are in a freak car accident, but neither are seriously injured. Dawson refuses medical treatment, but Brody breaks his hand. * In A Run in the Game, the Ingram's cousin, Jennie Wickes, gets married. In The Revenge of the Naughty Blue Aliens, it is briefly mentioned that the Ingram's are going to see her second newborn child, who is a girl. She already has a five-year-old son named Anthony, and his younger sister's name is Andrea. * The Ingram's are not necessarily religious, but they consider themselves nondenominational Christians. However, they attend church on Easter and Christmas Eve with family, since most of their family lives around the area. * Brody is the only boy in the Ingram family who is left-handed. Everyone else is right-handed. * Like David, Brody had to have his tonsils taken out. David had his out when he was four years old, but Brody had his taken out when he was in seventh grade, which was more of an emergency situation. * Toby is of English, German, French, Polish, and Turkish descent, by his biological parents. He was born in Luxembourg. Toby is half-English, one fourth Polish, one eighth German, one sixteenth French, and one sixteenth Turkish. Even though his real name is Luxembourgian, Toby looks English, and his biological mother came directly from England. * Although Dawson, Brett, David, and Brody are biologically related, only David and Brody look the most alike. Dawson doesn't look much like Brett, David, and Brody. Brett doesn't look much like Dawson, David, and Brody. Dawson and David look somewhat similar, but David and Brody look more alike. People have asked if the four brothers were fully related, and they all are. * Toby's birth name was Tobias Laschwanze Urzyscha Schwann before he was adopted. Then, the Ingram's changed his name to Toby because they preferred that name. * Brody is the most athletic of all the Ingram's. Dawson and Brett are on a bowling team. David competitively plays tennis. Brody competitively plays tennis and baseball. Toby joins the bowling team but eventually quits as he finds that he does not want to bowl competitively. This is perfect timing that I would end up talking about the Ingram's because this weekend, Rockybado and its sequel, A Run in the Game, are free on Amazon and will be until the end of Sunday, so you should definitely check them out! Oh, and I almost forgot! Here are the descriptions in case you're interested! Rockybado: "It is June 2006, and, after school lets out for the summer in Crown Point, Indiana, five boys find out about a robot in Texamilio, a fictitious island due west of the eight Hawaii Islands. When they meet Rockybado and his two close Bobino comrades, they are all confronted by Susan and Claude McSmith, who are both out to steal Rockybado's position as King of Texamilio, after a sour debate regarding physics in high school." A Run in the Game: "It is the summer of 2006 in Crown Point, Indiana, and Brody Ingram and Andrew McCalsky make it on the Watsons baseball team, and the team must try hard to defeat the Pratts team, their opponent, from Hebron, Indiana, that plays rough. In the meantime, Brody's older brother, Brett, must come out of his shell in order to communicate effectively with his love interest. Everyone is faced with different challenges throughout the summer." Again, please check out these novels as they are free until the end of Sunday! Have a great week! B. Levi
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Happy Sunday, everyone!
I greatly apologize for the delay in my blog, but this weekend was VERY busy, but VERY fun. This was Homecoming weekend, so I was, of course, doing something. On Friday, as part of the American Marketing Association, I attended a regional conference in Aurora, and my partner and I won second place in the digital marketing simulation competition. Go us! That was really the highlight of my busy weekend. As for my thoughts on Rockybado, I have a lot. I go through phases where I really want to get a head start on each series. And now, it turns out that I am in the Rockybado phase. So, of course, I am thinking about ideas for the next part of each series. I am continuing my sci-fi compilation project, which I'm hoping to get done by December 20th. Then, my first bet is that I will work on Rockybado's third novel, which I have decided to call The Revenge of the Naughty Blue Aliens. Please keep in mind that pretty much everything that I have written so far goes back to what I have written in the past. The only difference is that I have beefed things up a bit. While the first novels and sci-fi compilation take place in 2006, the next few novels and sci-fi compilation will take place in either 2013 or 2014. And I have thought that it would be cool to show a difference in style in terms of the seven or eight-year difference, showing how much I've grown as a writer since then. I believe that I have always had talent, but I have greatly improved over the course of these years. For the Rockybado series, things have changed for the Ingram's. Dawson is no longer interested in Spanish and Education. As a matter of fact, after his internship at the age of 21, he is a 28 or 29-year-old working at a marketing firm. Brett is a finance guru and is the lead guitarist of his garage band, Mr. Morton. David and Brody are 21 or 22-year-old and 20 or 21-year-old respectively and are in college. David studies Marketing and Finance, and Brody studies Computer Engineering with a Marketing minor. Toby is a 17 or 18-year-old who is still in high school. I also have ideas for the other series, but....first, I believe I will start with the Rockybado series. Next week, I will further explain my thought processes and eventually give more character sketches. Also, Rockybado and its sequel, A Run in the Game, will be free on Amazon this Friday, October 24th through Sunday, October 26th, so please check them out! I also have a synopsis for each novel below. Rockybado: "It is June 2006, and, after school lets out for the summer in Crown Point, Indiana, five boys find out about a robot in Texamilio, a fictitious island due west of the eight Hawaii Islands. When they meet Rockybado and his two close Bobino comrades, they are all confronted by Susan and Claude McSmith, who are both out to steal Rockybado's position as King of Texamilio, after a sour debate regarding physics in high school." A Run in the Game: "It is the summer of 2006 in Crown Point, Indiana, and Brody Ingram and Andrew McCalsky make it on the Watsons baseball team, and the team must try hard to defeat the Pratts team, their opponent, from Hebron, Indiana, that plays rough. In the meantime, Brody's older brother, Brett, must come out of his shell in order to communicate effectively with his love interest. Everyone is faced with different challenges throughout the summer." Have a great week! B. Levi Happy Saturday, everyone!
As I am celebrating Fall Break with a warm cup of tea in my hands, I am still contemplating my revisions for The Crazy Chicken Escapade, the first sci-fi compilation that combines all three series. Further details are to come while you read the book, which should be out between Christmas and February. I am hoping for December, so it can be out before Christmas! Keeping my fingers crossed. Today, I am going to give you character sketches of Cera Berringer, David Ingram's (Rockybado) girlfriend in the first few novels; Eliza Colbert, Andrew Grzedek's (The Jazzy Island of Dinosaurs) girlfriend; Mackenzie Burbanks, Levi Cranston's (The Magic Video Game) girlfriend. Here is Cera Berringer! * Cera Louise Berringer was born on August 28, 1991 in Valparaiso, Indiana. * Cera has two younger twin brothers, Caleb Lennon and Cory Lukas, who are both 10. Caleb is the older twin by eight minutes. * Although David Ingram and Cera date all through high school and graduate from the same high school, they break up when David goes to a college thirty minutes away from Warsaw, Indiana; and Cera attends a college near Chicago. However, they are still very close friends. * Cera is on the bowling team, and David and Brody, his younger brother, are both on the tennis team in high school. * Cera's favorite color is green. * Cera's favorite food is Italian food. * Cera is of English, Irish, Polish, and Spanish descent. * Cera loves cats, and, for her sixteenth birthday, she gets a calico cat that she names Jane. * While David lives on the north side of Crown Point, closer to Highway 30, Cera lives in downtown Crown Point. * Cera and her siblings have two cats, one is named Jane, and the other one is named Vanilla. Jane is a calico cat, and Vanilla is a white cat. * Cera's brother, Caleb, likes to skateboard and play hackysack. Her other brother, Cory, plays baseball. And now, here is Eliza Colbert! * Eliza Colbert was born on November 30, 1991 in Munster, Indiana. * Eliza has one older sister, Christine, 21; and one younger brother, David, 12. * Eliza and Andrew Grzedek start dating in eighth grade and for the first two years of high school. Then, they break up during their junior year. When they are seniors in high school, they start dating again. * Eliza goes to a Catholic high school, and Andrew goes to a public high school. * Eliza does not play sports, but Andrew plays tennis. * Eliza really likes Greek and Indian food. * Eliza's favorite color is indigo. * Eliza is of Irish, Italian, and Polish descent. Her father is 100 percent Irish, and her mother is half-Italian and half-Polish. * Eliza lives within walking distance of a Catholic church in Dyer. * Eliza's sister is also not an athlete. But her younger brother, David, eventually plays tennis. * Eliza likes to write stories and hopes to eventually become an author. And, last but not least, Mackenzie Burbanks! * Mackenzie Cori Burbanks was born on November 22, 1991 in Valparaiso, Indiana. She has always lived here. * Mackenzie has three older brothers: Brent Jonathan, 24; Jesse David, 19; and Andrew Michael, 16. * Since Levi moved to Valparaiso from Crown Point, he has always had a crush on Mackenzie. He asked her out a few days after he had his tonsils taken out, and they have dated ever since. Both Levi and Mackenzie have never had any previous relationships. * Mackenzie lives on the northwest side of Valparaiso, a few minutes away from the high school, and Levi lives in downtown Valparaiso. * Levi and Mackenzie attend the same college. However, Levi studies biomedical engineering, and Mackenzie studies computer engineering. * Mackenzie had her appendix taken out when she was younger. * All of Mackenzie's brothers are in a garage band. * Mackenzie loves Italian food. * Mackenzie's favorite colors are green, purple, and pink. * Mackenzie is of English, Polish, Irish, Scottish, and Italian descent. * Although Mackenzie does not participate in much sports, she likes to run with Levi. However, all of her brothers are on the bowling team. Eventually, it is revealed that Levi likes to skateboard. Here are the character sketches for each boys' girlfriend. Next week, I will talk more about my characters from Rockybado. Have a great week! B. Levi Happy Saturday, everyone! As a matter of fact, Happy October! I know it's already the fourth, but still.
This is the month of apple cider, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkins in general, and Halloween. So, watch as many scary movies as you can while you can! And this is also the month where you can eat as much candy as you want, but that won't be until later in the month! Today, I will give you ten fast facts about each main character from each series. I'm sure they are similar to character sketches that I've been doing for quite some time now, but this is information that I have not blogged about yet, so here we go! David Baker Ingram (Rockybado): * David is half-English, a quarter Italian, an eighth German, and an eighth Greek. * David eventually goes on to college to study Marketing and Finance. * In high school, David dates Cera Berringer. Before entering college, they break up, but they remain close friends. In college, David dates Olivia Flavenshevich, who is also from Crown Point. Olivia is actually a year younger than David, and they didn't know each other until college. They happened to be at the same college, and that is how they start their relationship. * David goes to a small college that is about thirty minutes south of Warsaw, Indiana. * David's mom's maiden name is Wickes, and her first name is Marsha. * Dawson, David's oldest brother, was given the middle names Alan Wickes because his birthday is on the same day as their uncle, Alan Wickes. * David's dad's name is Dawson. * David is English and Italian on his dad's side of the family. He is English, German, and Greek on his mom's side. * David and Brody look very similar, and they are Irish twins, with Brody's birthday (9/23/1992) being only a week before David's (9/30/1991). * The Ingram's do not have a lot of family. They have some family in Connecticut and Massachusetts, but most of their family lives in the Crown Point area. The five boys only have four first cousins, and they are all girls: Jennie Bridget Wickes, 24; Maggie Elizabeth Wickes, 20; Annie Jane Wickes, 16; and Kellie Olivia Wickes, 12. They are the children of Alan and Renee Wickes, and they live in Hobart. The nine kids get along pretty well. Andrew David Michael Grzedek (The Jazzy Island of Dinosaurs): * Andrew is three-quarters Polish and a quarter Irish/English/Scottish. * Andrew goes to college for Marketing and Spanish. * Andrew dates Eliza Colbert during their freshman and sophomore years of high school, but they break up for a little while during their junior year of high school. After a year, they have started dating again. * Andrew goes to a college that is thirty minutes east of where he lives, and he lives on campus. * Andrew's mom's maiden name is Johnson, and her first name is Deena. * Andrew's dad's name in John, or Janusz (in Polish). * Andrew and his siblings have numerous cousins on their dad's side, and several on their mom's side. Most of them live in the area. * Andrew is Polish on his dad's side of the family, and he is Polish and Irish/English/Scottish on his mom's side. * Andrew and Caleb look somewhat similar, but Andrew looks more like their dad, and Caleb looks more like their mom. * The entire family is fluent in English and Polish. Levi Andrew Caleb Cranston (The Magic Video Game): * Levi is half-English/Irish, a quarter Italian, an eighth French, and an eighth Polish. * Levi goes to college to study Biomedical Engineering. * Levi has been dating Mackenzie Burbanks since he had to undergo an emergency tonsillectomy at the age of thirteen. This is his first relationship. * Levi goes to a college that is forty-five minutes north of Fort Wayne, and so does his girlfriend and best friend, Jack Andrews. While Levi continues his tennis career in college, Jack does not. However, they still remain very close friends. * Levi's mom's maiden name is LeVole, and all of the kids' first names spell out her last name, which she keeps after her second marriage. The kids' names are Louise, Elizabeth, Victoria, Olivia, Levi, and Evelyn (who was adopted). His mom's first name is Lisa. * Levi's dad's name is David. * Levi is Irish and Italian on his dad's side of the family, and English, French, and Polish on his mom's side. Levi's half-sisters' dad is of Italian and Polish descent and is Jewish. The family celebrates some Jewish holidays because the kids' mom is Jewish. The kids' dad (David Cranston) is Methodist, so they still celebrate Christmas. * Levi has been told by some people that he looks like his mom but has the attitude of his dad, but he has also been told that he looks just like his dad in terms of looks and attitude. This has created confusion. * Levi has a lot of family in Rhode Island, but he also has some family in Northwest Indiana, including Crown Point, Merrillville, and Valparaiso. Levi eventually becomes a groupie for his cousins' rock band. * Levi's half-sisters' dad's name is Lee Baranovsky, and he and Levi's mom divorced when Elizabeth was three years old. Lee and his new wife, Pam, still live in Rhode Island and have twin sons, Matt and Kevin, 21, who play in a rock band. Levi and his family have some contact with them. Levi's mom and dad (David Cranston) were married in 1986, two years before Victoria was born. This was a lot of information that I wanted to talk about because I believe that it may have some importance to the characters and their development. This is also information that will probably not be directly included in the novels, but I believe that it's important that you have some idea of the characters' backgrounds. Now I log off, and next week I blog again. Have a splendid week! B. Levi |
April 2023
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