It was Saturday March 25, 2017, and David and Brody Ingram were the only ones in their apartment in Merrillville, Indiana. Their friends and roommates, Adam Levistad and Andrew McCalsky, had gone grocery shopping and were probably going to be back in a couple hours. Adam also needed to look for a birthday present for a relative, since their birthday is coming up shortly. So, this was a very quite and somewhat peaceful morning for the two brothers. But it was raining outside.
It was nine o'clock in the morning, and David's alarm went off, sounding like an old alarm clock. The loud ring woke David up very slowly. He was sprawled out on his bed, with his head on a pillow toward the head board and nightstand where his phone was going off, and his feet toward the other side of the bed. David was sleeping on his stomach, with his comforter on top of his back. He obviously looked very comfortable, and it took him a while to wake up. David was wearing his college hoodie and jeans from yesterday. The night before, he, Brody, Adam, and Andrew had gone to some bars in Crown Point, and when they returned, David did not feel like changing into his pjs. They came back to their apartment at 1:30 in the morning, and they wanted to watch some comedy shows for a bit before they went to bed. For some reason, they had also decided to plan their move to San Francisco. They are hoping to go out that way by fall of this year. David still stayed in bed. He slowly turned off his alarm, but then he decided not to get up quite yet. He and Brody were planning to go over to the courts to play tennis later this morning, but Brody was probably not awake either. David had the absolute hardest time waking up, especially with the weird weather that has been going on lately. He could hear the rain coming down pretty hard from his window. Somehow, he must have set his alarm clock to snooze. Because he fell asleep again, but his alarm had gone off an hour later. It was ten o'clock in the morning now, and Adam and Andrew were probably not back yet. They were pretty sure they were going to spend a lot of time with grocery shopping and finding the perfect gift for Adam's relative. David slowly woke up and turned off his alarm clock. "Hey, David?" someone spoke somewhat quietly as he opened the door and slowly turned on the light in David's room. "Hello," David responded quietly, closing his eyes as they were adjusting to the light. He was obviously not ready to wake up yet. "We've been waiting for you for about an hour." "Wait. What?" "We're planning to play some tennis," the guy stated. "Oh. Adam? You're back already?" David replied, still quietly. He was wrapped around in his comforter. He looked very comfortable. "Yes. It's me. Adam. Andrew and I did not go grocery shopping this morning." "You didn't? Why?" "We're going to tomorrow. And you guys are coming with us." "Alright. Now what's this thing about tennis?" "When you start moving, we were gonna go to the courts." "Okay. I'll get up now."
From The Crazy Chicken Escapade
It was ten o’clock in the morning, and the only kids who were awake were Dawson, Brett, and Toby Ingram. Their parents were sitting on the patio, enjoying the cool and crisp morning. The three boys, however, were playing video games on a classic gaming system. The usual on a summer day. Dawson did not have to go to his internship today. Brett did not have bowling practice. And Toby did not have anything going on today either. And, for that matter, neither did David or Brody. Today was probably going to be a day spent with the family, meaning that today was going to be good. No matter what the Ingram’s were planning to do today, it was going to be a good day. Dawson, Brett, and Toby played video games for an hour and thirty minutes, and then they decided to sneak up to David and Brody’s room and wake them up. At first, they were not sure what they were going to use as a prank. However, Toby was going to look in a closet and find random objects. Dawson and Brett were going to come up with some strategies. “What are we going to use to wake up David and Brody, and how will we wake them up?” Brett asked his older brother. “Well, Toby is looking in the closet for the rubber mouse, and I say we should just stick to that,” Dawson replied. “So, no pouring water or cake smearing?” “No. Neither would be a good idea today.” “Why not?” Brett asked, slightly disappointed. “Well, for one, we don’t have a cake,” Dawson remarked. “Oh. I forgot.” “And secondly, David and Brody would chase us around the house if we poured water on them.” “Oh. That, too.” “Do you think the rubber mouse will work perfectly?” “Probably.” So, Dawson, Brett, and Toby were going to stick to a simple prank as that. When Toby finally found the rubber mouse, he placed it on Brody’s chest, since he was lying on his back. Brody was wrapped in his comforter, with a pillow over his face, and his hands were under his head. Honeybunny was sitting by his feet. David, however, was on his side. Felicia was keeping him company by sitting by his head. She was pawing at his hair, which the boys who were in their waking moments thought was hilarious. The room was surprisingly dark. The dark blue curtains were closed, and, of course, the lights were turned off. The science posters were visible. And then there was Brody, who looked very comfortable. He was still on his back, with the rubber mouse moving up and down with his breathing. His comforter and blankets were all over the place; he was wrapped in his comforter, and his blankets looked as if they had just been thrown on his bed, which is really more like a futon than anything else. And the ceiling fan was turned on. Dawson, Brett, and Toby now had everything all figured out. They were going to locate the CD player in the room and play music at full volume. Then, they were going to jump up and down as hard as they could in order to get David and Brody stirring. Then, Dawson and Toby’s mission was to wake up David and chase him around the house. On the other hand, Brett was going to wake up Brody the rough way. “Here goes nothing,” Dawson said. “Give me a reading.” “Once upon a time….” Brett began. “No! Tell me if Brody looks like he might wake up.” “Oh. No. Turn the music up loud. Now!” Dawson found the CD player in the room, and he turned some rock music up to full volume. Brody and David didn’t move. They just lay there comfortably. Now, came the really fun part. And it was everyone’s job. “And….now!” Brett commanded to everyone. All three boys jumped up and down as hard as they could, in order to wake up both David and Brody. The younger brother who was sleeping in woke up slowly. He rubbed his neck with his hand, and then Brett decided that it would be a good idea to wrestle him. In the meantime, Dawson and Toby chased David down the hallway. The chase was endless. David ran out the door to the front yard, and Dawson and Toby continued to pursue him. David ran as fast as he could around to the back yard and nearly fell into their built-in pool. Once he passed the pool, he attempted to hide behind a bush. He could feel his heart popping out of his chest as he was very scared of what would happen if he was caught. Silence for a couple minutes. During this time, David took the few minutes he had to concentrate on his breathing and make sure he could regain his composure before Dawson and Toby found him. David sat behind that bush, and while he was trying to calm down, he tried to keep watch for Dawson and Toby in case he was caught. Two minutes passed. “DAVID!” Dawson and Toby shouted simultaneously. David screamed and dashed out of the bush where he hid. He tried going past the pool, but before he could make it completely past, Dawson shoved him into the deep end. Once David came back up to the surface, Dawson and Toby splashed water at him. After the fun with the water was over, Dawson and Toby laughed very hard. However, David was not laughing. He was more worried about catching his breath. “DON’T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!” David shouted at Dawson and Toby. The two, of course, were not quite finished with their laughing spells. This was the most hilarious thing that had happened today. Or, at least, according to them. Sweet tea with no ice.
How I celebrate Monday. And with no lemon. Lemonade is nice. When it's really sunny out. Add some kick to it. Add some spice to life. Go on a nice adventure. Well deserved road trip. One day, go abroad. I will see London one day. First place on my list. And San Francisco. And one day, New York City. Philadelphia. Wanna see the world. Loving life in the city. Get some iced coffee. Off to Orlando. In a few days, I'll be there. This is Chicago. Hey everyone, it is Saturday!
I have been really busy working on a lot of things, including creating hardcopy versions of all my written projects, as well as planning for what I would like to do in the near future. As much as I love to share some of my writing samples with you, I would also like to keep you up to date with each person. It is fun to know what they are all planning to do with their lives, and it is also fun to have a kitty sit right next to you while you're typing all this stuff out. Nevertheless, here we go. 1. Levi Cranston (The Magic Video Game) just recently earned a promotion in his workplace. He used to be a Marketing Specialist, but now he is a Software Engineer after just recently receiving his IT certification. 2. His best friend, Jack Andrews, still works in IT at his job along with Andrew Grzedek (The Jazzy Island of Dinosaurs). Small world. 3. Levi, Jack, Asad Prejesh (their best friend), and Mackenzie Burbanks (Levi's girlfriend) are currently living in downtown Valparaiso, about five minutes away from Levi's parents. When their lease is up in July, they plan to move to Glen Ellyn, Illinois. As long as things continue to work out for all of them. 4. Olivia Cranston, Levi's sister, ended up getting a job in Aurora, Illinois. She and her best friend, Audrey Bersigno, are looking to move there soon. 5. Olivia and her boyfriend, Cameron Sedley, just recently broke up. They are still very close friends, but they are no longer dating, at least for now. 6. The goal of moving to Boston/Rhode Island area is still on Levi's mind, as well as his friends' and girlfriend's, but it probably won't be for another five years. Philadelphia is a close second. 7. Olivia and Audrey are hoping to move to Philadelphia within the same time frame. It is very possible that Olivia and Cameron might be back together. They wanted to take some time off from dating and focus on their careers. 8. Andrew Grzedek is actually planning to move to Chicago in a few months with his friends, Jason Lazinski and Matthew Bartz. They had all talked about being roommates for a while. And especially since they all have jobs in Chicago. 9. David and Brody Ingram (Rockybado) are still looking to move to San Francisco, California. David is seriously looking into graduate school there, as well as another job. Their friends are also interested in moving out that way. 10. Caleb Grzedek, Andrew's brother, is looking for opportunities in San Francisco within the next year. He and his friends are interested in going out that way. 11. B. Levi (The Runaway Tomato) loves pineapple. Well, that is what you need to know for today. We all love change and we all love to make a difference in our lives, as well as our peers' lives. And a lot of us also like to eat pineapple. It's good for the soul, and it's good all around. Those are my thoughts for tonight, so stay tuned for Monday. Another awesome haiku is coming up! Cheers! You Know Who From Rockybado 3: The Invasion of the Naughty Blue Aliens
David Ingram was still in shock. The lady put ammo in her gun and charged it. David slowly walked away. Once he heard the old lady fire her gun, he started running. The old lady kept firing at him, but she always missed. Once he evaded her grasp, he got a better view of the neighborhood. The neighborhood looked like a typical urban neighborhood. However, one house was on fire, and it didn’t seem to phase anyone. Nearly half of the houses had graffiti on them. There were several crime scenes. There were five gang members walking around and looking through people’s homes. They were going south on the street. They kept singing some songs by an idolized rapper and then a random song that they probably made up. In order to avoid the gang, David ran north on the street. He made sure the gang didn’t see him. There were nine police cars following each other to a probable crime scene. David felt so uneasy to the point that he shuddered. He didn’t want to just stand there and get caught. He wasn’t sure where else to hide. Then, he found a bush to hide in for a few minutes. The same family who kept on shouting, “Ay Carrumba!” passed the bush. David let out a huge sigh of relief and felt for his heartbeat. Now, he didn’t hear anything else going on in the neighborhood that would bring up attention. Meanwhile, Brody was trying to hide from the sombrero alien family, the old lady, and the random gang. There was a naughty blue alien dressed in orange. He had a revolver and pointed it at Brody’s chest. “Mr. Little Kid, you’re dead,” the alien said. Brody didn’t move. “Mr. Little Kid, you’re dead,” the alien said again. Brody was breathing very hard. “MR. LITTLE KID, YOU’RE DEAD!” the alien shouted. David crept up behind the orange-clad alien. Brody finally saw David; he felt a huge sensation of relief, knowing that his brother was right here, that he found him in the nick of time. With this, Brody had to think, and he had to think very quickly. “WAIT!” Brody shouted. The alien’s eyebrows rose. Brody grabbed the gun out of the alien’s hands and pointed it at his chest. He didn’t just point the gun at his heart; he actually pressed it firmly against his chest. He could feel his pounding heartbeat through the gun. “I wanted to be a computer engineer. I wanted to go to college. I wanted to study computers and engineering. So, I wanted to be a computer engineer. But it’s gone. All gone. Bye, world. It was nice knowing you while you were young,” Brody said in a serious tone. While he said this, he walked backwards behind a bush. Neither David or the alien saw him. Then, they heard the gun go off. David’s mouth dropped. The alien acted indifferent. “Oh. He’s dead. I’m leaving,” said the alien. He left, and David walked over to the bush where Brody was. He found his younger brother lying on his back. He was breathing very hard. His right hand was on his chest, most likely feeling for his heartbeat; and his left hand was on his stomach, which pulled up his shirt, exposing his belly button. “Are you okay, Brody?” David questioned his younger brother. Brody nodded. “Are you scared?” Another nod. “Don’t be. He’s gone.” Brody let out a heavy sigh. “Come on. We need to get out of here.” David helped Brody get up. Once he got his little brother stable, they each took a puff on their inhalers, and they both started running out of the urban area. They ran from there to the nicest house on the block, which was quite a distance. Well, actually, they stopped at a little park that was surrounded by trees to catch their breath. After running so far, they were breathing very hard, and it took them a while to regain their composures. “How did you perform your stunt?” David asked. “I walked backwards, and I had the gun pointed at my chest,” said Brody. “I know that much.” “But then, once I was behind the bush, I put the gun over my head. I didn’t actually shoot myself.” “That was brilliant,” David commented. “I came up with that idea at the very last minute,” Brody replied. “It was still brilliant.” Pina colada.
Oh crap. It's already spring. Apple mimosa. It's getting warmer. Longer days are coming up. Just wait until June. Then, really long days. The sun will be shining bright. Almost way too bright. I am still writing. Not really any more books. At least, for right now. Working on this blog. Just because it is the blog. Not just any blog. March the twentieth. Oh my. This year is so great. Twenty seventeen. From Rockybado 3: The Invasion of the Naughty Blue Aliens
David and Brody Ingram were in a spaceship since they had been separated from Rockybado and their other friends. Their plan was to go back to Texamilio to reunite with them. This spaceship took off from Benjamilio and flew to random places. An automated voice boomed out of nowhere. “Care for a hot fudge sundae?” the voice questioned the two boys. David and Brody looked at each other for a few seconds. They hadn’t eaten much today because they were so focused on finding the Naughty Blue Aliens and the McSmith’s that food was, for whatever rare reason, not on the boys’ minds. David and Brody agreed that they were both extremely hungry, and they could go for a hot fudge sundae just about now. “Two hot fudge sundaes,” David answered. “Okay. Would you like sprinkles on your hot fudge sundaes?” the voice asked. Brody shook his head. “No sprinkles on either sundae,” David replied. “Most assuredly, you would want sprinkles on your hot fudge sundae,” the voice said, trying to reassure the boys. “No. I want no sprinkles on either sundae.” “Of course, you….” “You must be trying to imply that we want sprinkles on our hot fudge sundaes when, in fact, we don’t,” David remarked. “Everyone wants sprinkles on their hot fudge sundaes,” said the voice. “Well, we don’t.” “Lester, get them.” “What?!” The two boys could hear an army of Naughty Blue Aliens marching toward their general direction. There were a grand total of thirty aliens in green and red garb, even though Christmas is half a year away. Their hats were yellow golf caps, and David and Brody had to quietly laugh about their absurd attire. Otherwise, they felt pretty apprehensive. Their hands started to get sweaty, and they weren’t quite sure what to do next. “All this for not wanting sprinkles on our hot fudge sundaes?” Brody questioned. “Apparently,” David answered. The “army” of aliens entered the room. They had straight faces, and they were probably not going to take kindly to any jokes whatsoever. David and Brody tried to keep straight faces as well. It was very hard, though, because of the mixed feelings of being nervous and just thinking that the aliens’ uniforms were stupid. Moments later…. “Seize them, Lester,” the voice boomed. A few more moments later…. “You boys are coming with me,” Lester announced. “Where are we going?” Brody questioned. “Dumigal. It’s a huge city,” Lester announced somewhat rudely. They said nothing more until it happened. What happened? The aliens dropped the two boys off at two different locations. It was 11:56 at night, and the boys had no idea where they were. It looked like a normal urban street at night. David was located on the north end of the street, and Brody was on the south end. However, the street ran for nine blocks, and, at night, David and Brody would have a much harder time finding each other. David looked around him. He didn’t see much at first. Then, he decided to peer into one of the houses. This specific house had a lot of graffiti on the outside, and it looked like it was going to collapse at any given moment. David cautiously looked through the window. There were at least ten aliens wearing sombreros in this household. One of them, who appeared to be the mother, saw David first. “Oh, look, mi familia! There’s a stalker looking through the window. That good-for-nothing macho is a criminal and is up to no good,” said the lady. Moments later, the whole family screamed and ran in circles inside the house. David quickly stepped away from the house. Then, the whole family ran toward him and started shouting, “Ay Carrumba!” Half of them had water guns. Two of them carried baseball bats. One had a mace. Once David saw the mace, he tried to increase his running speed. He ran for five blocks, and then he found a tree to hide behind. The sombrero alien family didn’t even glance at the tree. They kept on running. David’s heart was pounding so hard that it was painful for him to breathe. He was breathing so hard and focused only on his recovery. Then, he noticed an elderly female alien right beside him. “Boo,” said the lady. David screamed like a little girl. “What do you think you’re doing on my here property?” the lady questioned David. David was very scared. He did not answer. “Beat it, chump!” the lady shouted. From The Crazy Chicken Escapade
It was now time for David, Andrew, and Levi to come up with an idea on how to spend the lovely afternoon. The creatures were depending on these three intelligent fourteen-year-old boys to come up with something fun and unique to do. And then, a few minutes later…. “I have an idea!” Levi remarked. “What is it?” David asked. “Let’s have a race!” They all agreed. Sporto, Cosmo, Jack McFrost, Jefferson, David, Andrew, and Levi were all behind the white line. Everyone, especially the three boys, were beyond anxious to start this race. They are all athletically inclined, so they were pretty sure that sprinting would be so hard for them. David could start feeling sweat pouring down his face; that was how excited he was. “On your mark….” Marty announced. A few moments later. “Get set….” A few more moments later. “GO!” Everyone ran at least a fourth of a mile. Sporto, David, Andrew, and Levi were running as quickly as they could. Jack McFrost sashed toward the finish line. Jefferson and Cosmo rode on a green toboggan that came out of nowhere. When there was a dead end, the race concluded. Sporto won the race, and he did not look exhausted after the run. However, everyone was gasping for air, even though two of them did not actually run. “It’s….so….hot,” Andrew said while trying to catch his breath. “Water. Water. Must drink water,” David quietly remarked. Levi actually said nothing. He only stared at a lake where we could swim. “Let’s swim in that lake,” Levi suggested. “We shouldn’t,” Marty said. “Because we all have heard of a legend about this lake.” “Tell us about this lake!” Andrew exclaimed childishly. Okay. Once upon a time, there was a man who lived here. One day, he went fishing and thought that he had caught a fish, but apparently he did not. He caught a nasty piece of goop. The goop planned to eat up all of the man’s pizza, and then, it would turn into a sinister witch. The witch was never defeated by the man when he saw it, but it turned back into goop and lived happily under the water again. The end. Traveling is fun.
So many places to go. Also to choose from. London, England, though. Want to see the big city. One day, very soon. Philadelphia. Never been there before, though. I want to see it. And New York City. Want to see the whole downtown. And get awesome food. Well, San Francisco. Want to see the great ocean. Very nice weather. I've been to Dublin. Ireland is very cool. The delightful food. Chicago is great. I love going there a lot. Let's go very soon. From Rockybado: Robot King of the Island
After several rounds of kickball, Brody Ingram wanted to break away from his group of friends for a while and find ways to recharge his mind. Brody’s friends and brothers were still with the creatures when he walked far enough away so that he could be by himself. Just for an hour or two. The boy walked down a beautiful path full of red leaves, squirrels, and walnuts. He could feel the breeze stroke his messy brown hair. It felt good. It felt very good to walk down a path with the breeze in his face. However, the walk down the trail was not quite enough for him to recharge. He also felt like he needed a little guidance in life. He was all alone in the forest until he could hear a weird voice calling random male names. “Sam, Jacob, Ryan, Josh, William, David, Brian, Benjamin, Brody….” Brody raised an eyebrow and attempted to walk closer to whoever was calling off these random names. This “person” did not have a voice that he would have recognized. Out of curiosity, he still walked closer and closer to this person. Once he approached the voice, he realized it was a tiny pink lady, no more than five feet tall. This person looked like an old grandmother; the wrinkles, the dyed red hair, and the apparel from 1942 could give it away. “You called?” Brody asked with sudden apprehension. “Why, yes, yes,” the lady responded with glee. “Who must you be?” “I’m Brody Ingram. Who are you?” “My name is Prudence McCallister. But just call me Grandma. It’ll make your life so much easier if you call me by that name.” Brody let out a heavy sigh. He had no idea what to think. He just paid attention to his breathing, which grew heavier as he was feeling very uneasy about the entire situation. “So, where must you be from, boy?” Grandma questioned. “Crown Point, Indiana,” Brody answered, now feeling more apprehensive. “My, yes. I know several people from around that general area.” “That’s good to know.” “So, what brings you here, Brody?” “I heard my name being called.” “Oh? Wonderful!” “And I’d like to know why you called my name?” “I’d like to gather some insight.” “Uh….” “Don’t worry. I like being able to help everyone. I can tell that people are distraught by just looking at them.” “And you think I’m distraught?” “Certainly.” |
April 2023
About my BlogMy blog contains anything and everything one should know about my books. Aaaaand a lot more as well. |