This Haiku Monday,
My cat was afraid of dog. Sofia Dumplin. She's got quite the sass. For a calico, that is. Calicos rule world. Sofia Dumplin. Sweetest cat, though. That is true. But with attitude. Really like her nose. Mostly black with some pink, though. Beautiful markings. If she were human, She's be French Italian. Sofia Dumplin. Dumplin would be French. Sofia Italian. Oui oui, hon hon hon.
Nine o'clock rolled around like a tennis ball. It was August 21st, 2016, and a Sunday. Levi Cranston rolled over on his side and tried desperately to turn off his alarm clock. Half-awake, he couldn't locate the button to turn the obnoxious thing off. He let the darn thing continue to buzz.
After at least ten failed tries, he finally located the button to turn off the alarm clock. It was now 9:05, and he had set his alarm to 9 o'clock. Five minutes late, no big deal. He lay in bed for a few more minutes. Levi really had to motivate himself to get out of bed. Still lying in bed, Levi rolled over on his back to see if his girlfriend, Mackenzie Burbanks, was still sleeping. It looked like she might have gotten up already, as there was no one else on the other side of the bed. Levi promised himself that he would go on a run this morning, since it was supposed to be nice out. The high was supposed to be something 70's, so that would be perfect running weather. The box fan was still blowing in Levi's face. Levi got out of bed and turned off his box fan. So accustomed to having it blow in his face every time he'd go to bed, this was not going to stop any time soon. He made the bed and opened the window. Nice breeze coming in, confirming his morning run. Normally he likes to run in the evenings, but he had a family gathering in Crown Point, Indiana tonight that he didn't really want to miss. He got ready for the day, at least for his morning run. Donning his favorite blue athletic t-shirt and black athletic shorts, as well as his ankle brace that he needs to wear all the time now. He walked into the kitchen to see Mackenzie sitting at the table, drinking her coffee. Jack Andrews and Asad Prejesh, Levi's best friends who were living with them in their place in downtown Valparaiso, were probably still sleeping. Their bedroom doors were closed, and there was no sign of either of them in the common area. Levi got himself some strawberry yogurt and a bagel from the refrigerator and sat next to Mackenzie at the table. He was not in the mood for coffee. Rather, he was in the mood for some whole milk. The two conversed for a few minutes, and then Levi was done with his breakfast. Mackenzie was visiting some family today and would be gone for pretty much the whole day, and they weren't sure about Jack or Asad yet. Levi walked toward his car and headed toward the high school. He drove a little past the school and parked at the nearby playground. There weren't a lot of people here, if any. It was Sunday, so many were probably at church. Levi couldn't have cared less. Stretching and determination. Levi had both. He was more than certain that he would be able to run at least five miles today. That was his goal. And he was in the mood for that to happen. He started off. Running toward the direction of the high school. Breeze in his face. If someone that he saw in his path gave him a high-five, he would most likely high-five them back. Today was going to be a good day. Levi was feeling pretty good about his run. Started at the park and ran through the street with all of the art sculptures. He headed north and then west. Once he crossed the county meridian, he ran through his girlfriend's old neighborhood before they all got their place in downtown. Then, he walked back toward the park for the rest of the way, and then he realized that he had nearly accomplished his goal of five miles. David, Andrew, and Levi knew that they had a great time on Galavanti Island with Dacston, Valpatic, Jokie, and Sammy. However, according to the rules, their next stop was Texamilio, where Rockybado and his friends live. David was especially excited about revisiting Texamilio because he has been there before. “I had a great time with you all,” Dacston said to the three boys. “I enjoyed Galavanti Island,” Levi replied. “I did, too,” David remarked. “I did as well,” Andrew replied. Valpatic, Jokie, and Sammy were also sad that David, Andrew, and Levi had to leave Galavanti Island. However, they knew that the three boys were also going to enjoy themselves in Texamilio. The four dinosaurs gave the three boys a big group hug, and the three boys were off. David, Andrew, and Levi boarded a similar UFO that came to the area all of a sudden. Then, the three boys were off to Texamilio to meet Rockybado, the King of the island, as well as his other comrades. Rockybado knew exactly what happened to the chicken community, and they were relying on the three boys to help them find evidence of Darveda, Nelson, Hilda, and Bug. When David, Andrew, and Levi arrived in Texamilio after another thirty-minute ride in the unidentified flying object, Rockybado and a few other creatures ran up to the UFO to meet the three boys. “Hello, everyone!” Rockybado greeted the three boys. “Hey!” David replied excitedly to the robot that he has already known. “To all of those who don’t know us, I’m Rockybado. I am the King of Texamilio. Here is Jeremy, a Bobino that looks like a white bird. And this is Johnny, a Bobino that looks like a teal ball with hands and feet. In case you don’t know what a Bobino is, they are fellow creatures who live on this glorious island.” “And here are my friends, Andrew and Levi. We all met not too long ago.” “Splendid. So, as everyone knows, we need to bring the chicken community back to normal. We will need to find as much evidence that we can that we can use against Darveda, Nelson, Hilda, and Bug. As you all know, they are taking advantage of Radcliffe, the leader of the chicken community, and the sooner we get the chicken community back to normal, the better.” After a fifteen-minute introduction with everyone, they all decided that now was the time to comb the area and see if there was any evidence that the “bad guys” might have left behind. No one was sure how long this was going to take. However, they wanted to get a head start and find some useful evidence. Time to begin. From left to right: Jeremy Kerplunk and Johnny Dinglebom
It was a great day.
Walked around downtown Valpo, With little sister. We just bopped around. Looking at some baby clothes, For the heck of it. They are really cute. They could fit some life size dolls. Next store, please. Thank you. Saw Dad's apartment. Yo, Dad, how are you doing? We walked the wrong way. Well, Jefferson Street, Is a one-way street, you see. Rebels walking wrong. That one gas station, Does not have favorite soda. Well, not anymore. We sat on a bench. Showed my sister new blog post. She thought it was cute. Went to fast food joint. She got a chocolate milkshake. Candy and ice cream. Pizza place as well. We played some good arcade games. Highlight of the week. It was a great night. We will do that very soon. I am sure of it. It was Saturday morning, on August 20th, 2016. It was around 10:30 am, and Levi Cranston was still sleeping in, of course. Jack Andrews and Asad Prejesh, two of Levi's best friends, were sitting in the common area, watching sports on TV, while eating some leftover Chinese food from the night before. Mackenzie Burbanks, Levi's girlfriend, was sitting in the common area with them, but she had some cinnamon toast about an hour ago. Jack and Asad were really quiet when watching TV because they wanted to see what was going on.
Levi, Mackenzie, Jack, and Asad moved into a place in downtown Valparaiso last month. They decided to split the rent four ways, and life would be golden. They don't have any pets living with them, it's just the four kids. Except Levi has a couple small frogs named Don Luigi and Don Francesco, but that is it. They wanted to make it simple for the first time that they actually called some place their own. Well, actually, Jack lived in Merrillville with his sister in her apartment for a short while. She was desperate for another roommate, as her previous one had suddenly moved out. And Jack had a job not too far away from there. It was part-time that eventually turned into a full-time gig, and he was able to make it work. That was October 2014, and six months later, he moved back to his parent's house on the west side of Valparaiso. Jack graduated from a university in Angola, Indiana in May 2014. Levi and Mackenzie went to the same university, but they graduated from there a year later. Levi added a minor in communications, and Mackenzie also added a minor. Asad studied elsewhere, and now he works for a communications firm. So being able to "adult" now worked perfectly for all four of them. Mackenzie broke away from what Jack and Asad were doing and decided to walk into her and Levi's room to see if he was still sleeping. She saw that he was lying comfortably on his stomach, with his comforter on top of him. His box fan was going at full blast, and the activity of the fan forced Levi's hair to move around a bit. He was wearing his clothes that he had worn the day before, consisting of a black t-shirt with his favorite rock band's name on it, his khaki shorts, and his ankle brace that he has to wear on his left ankle when he sleeps. He was clearly too comfortable to wake up and get out of bed. Levi's girlfriend slowly got on the bed with Levi. She really did not see a need to wake him up. But she really wanted to stroke his messy dark brown mop top hair. He was still lying on his stomach, with his arms wrapped around his body pillow, but he probably didn't care about Mackenzie stroking his hair. In fact, he would most likely prefer that. Levi's hair felt like silk to Mackenzie's fingers. Consistent strokes of his hair made her feel much warmer inside. Levi drew in a deep breath and turned on the side, with his front facing the window. He probably knew that his girlfriend was making him even more comfortable. And Mackenzie was feeling more comfortable herself. Most of his face was buried in his head pillow, and his back was to Mackenzie. She put her left arm under his arm and wrapped her arm around his chest. Mackenzie could feel Levi's steady breathing against her arm. And she could also feel his heart pulsing against her arm, very steady and somewhat fast. In his subconscious, he knew that Mackenzie was there with him. Mackenzie could feel her eyes drooping, meaning that she wanted to fall back asleep with him. But she wasn't sure if she could let herself. There was still some more unpacking to do, but not much left. And, unlike Levi and Jack, who stayed up until 3:30 in the morning, she fell asleep at 1:30, and Asad at midnight. There was a lot to get done today. She had no idea when Levi would wake up, most likely around noon. Mackenzie leaned over and kissed Levi on the cheek and got off the bed. The memory foam on the bed would most likely make anyone want to stay in bed for the whole day. She gave him a quick massage and then left the room. In order to keep things quiet, she slowly closed the bedroom door behind her and heated up a bowl of lo mein noodles for Levi when he'd decide to wake up. The rule of the game was for David, Andrew, and Levi to go from one island to another. It was not exactly specified in the rules, but the three boys knew that they were supposed to go to Galavanti Island next. David, Andrew, and Levi really enjoyed their time in Wakahakai, but they knew they had to meet new friends who live on a different island. And Marty and his friends were invited to a birthday party where a well-known band, the Hawaiian Dweebs, were going to play. “It was a pleasure meeting you all,” Marty said to the three boys. “I enjoyed Wakahakai,” David replied. “I did, too,” Andrew remarked. “I did as well,” Levi replied. Cosmo was crying hysterically, and he gave David, Andrew, and Levi a hug. Jack McFrost pulled out a handkerchief and gave it to Cosmo. Sporto and Jefferson gave the three boys high-fives. Then, Marty gave everyone a group hug. David, Andrew, and Levi then boarded a UFO that came to the area all of a sudden. Then, the three boys were off to Galavanti Island to meet a posse of dinosaurs known commonly to man as Dacston, a T-Rex, Valpatic, a velociraptor, Jokie, a brachiosaurus, and Sammy, a stegosaurus. The dinosaurs knew exactly what happened to the chicken community, and they were relying on the three boys to help them find evidence of Darveda, Nelson, Hilda, and Bug. When David, Andrew, and Levi arrived in Galavanti Island after a thirty-minute ride in the unidentified flying object, the four dinosaurs ran up to the UFO to meet the three boys. “Hello, everyone!” Dacston the T-Rex exclaimed to the three boys. “Hey!” Andrew replied excitedly to the dinosaurs that he has already known. “To all of those who don’t know us, I’m Dacston. I’m a T-Rex. Here is Valpatic, a velociraptor. This is Jokie, a brachiosaurus, and Sammy, a stegosaurus.” “This is David, and here is Levi. We all met not too long ago.” “Splendid. So, as you all know, we need to bring the chicken community back to normal. With this in mind, we need to find the last bit of evidence that we can to use against Darveda, Nelson, Hilda, and Bug. They are taking advantage of Radcliffe, the leader of the chicken community, and the sooner we get the chicken community back to normal, the better.” After a ten-minute introduction with everyone, they all decided that now was the time to comb the area and see if there was any evidence that the “bad guys” might have left behind. No one was sure how long this was going to take. However, they wanted to get a head start and find some useful evidence. Time to begin. From left to right: David Ingram (Rockybado), Andrew Grzedek (The Jazzy Island of Dinosaurs), and Levi Cranston (The Magic Video Game). Absent from photo: B. Levi (The Ballad of the Chicken Nugget).
Been really busy.
Trying to sort errthing out. Middle of August. Yesterday was good. Went to a Mexican place. Got Mexican food. Steak tacos galore. With a hint of rice and beans. Shrimp tacos galore. With my horchata, I am really set for life. With my horchata. Wanted fried ice cream, But we were both really full. Let's do that again. Then, to the gardens. Water was so very high. Barely saw the koi. Walked on the art walk. Then walked in downtown Valpo. Magic Vid'ya Game. Got to write some more. One chapter to do this week. Haven't started yet! Today is Sunday. Well, actually....tonight is Sunday. So this means, for the vast majority of us, that means we have to go to work, school, or just write in general.
This was a pretty good weekend. It could've been better, but for what it was, it wasn't too shabby. I've done a little more writing, which is always nice, and I think I'm a little over halfway finished with The Somewhat Perilous Plot of the Patriotic Mosquitoes (which is part of the Amazing Sci-Fi Compilation), and I want to be finished with this series by the holiday season. Today, I have ten more fast facts about Levi Cranston (The Magic Video Game) that you may or may not know. 1. Levi has only kissed one girl in his life, and that is his girlfriend, Mackenzie Burbanks. 2. Now, Levi, Mackenzie, and two of his best friends, Jack Andrews and Asad Prejesh, have their own place in Valparaiso. They have been living together since July. 3. David Savino, another one of Levi's good friends, lives in an apartment in Valparaiso with one of his brothers. 4. Rhody Leyman, another one of Levi's friends and neighbors, lives in downtown Valpo with his girlfriend, Addy Masterman. 5. Even though Mackenzie Burbanks is Levi's one and only girlfriend that he has ever had, he did have a crush on a girl named Merrill Davidovich when he and his family lived in Crown Point, which is about thirty minutes away from where he currently lives. They never dated, and they don't really talk to each other. 6. Levi's and Mackenzie's relationship was not always a fairy tale. In fact, they almost took some time off from their relationship in college when Levi had often slept through their planned lunch dates (all of which were earlier in the day). Fortunately, they made it through that issue, and they are very happy in their relationship. They mostly have been, and now they most likely will always be. 7. When Levi and his family moved to Crown Point from Rhode Island, his two half-sisters, Louise and Elizabeth Baranovsky, lived with their dad, Lee Baranovsky, who also moved to Crown Point. 8. When Levi and his family moved to Crown Point, Louise and Elizabeth shared an apartment in Crown Point, as their dad moved back to Rhode Island by then. The two girls shared an apartment with two other girls who were four years Louise's senior and five years Elizabeth's senior. 9. Levi is not a bad singer, but he does not sing as a hobby. Otherwise, he is really not musically inclined. He was asked to sing a few of his favorite songs at his cousins' garage band performances. 10. He is considered a "roadie" for his cousins' garage band, but they are not the closest of friends. Hope you enjoyed learning more about Levi! I will see you all tomorrow! You Know Who After Andrew and Caleb had spent a great evening with their family, they both decided to sit out on the patio and enjoy the crisp evening breeze.
Neither boy said a word to each other for five straight minutes. They were just dwindling in their own thoughts, thinking about how great their summer has been so far, and the like. Until an unfamiliar person called Caleb. “Hello?” Caleb answered. “Hi,” the voice replied. “Hello? Who are you looking for?” “I am looking for David Savino.” “There’s no David Savino here. You must have the wrong number,” Caleb replied. “Oh, this is not David Savino?” the voice clarified. “No.” “Oh, I apologize! I have the wrong number.” “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it!” “Thanks, sonny.” Walked around downtown.
Searched for rarest of the rare. Got eeeeeem, number one. 8:30 at night. Sun is no longer in sight. People are so loud. Oh well. Whatever. Laughing at obnoxious jokes. Kids that are belching. Oh well. Whatever. Got my free latte today. Sweet vanilla cream. Thanks to you, punch card. Everything in life ain't free. Without a punch card. |
April 2023
About my BlogMy blog contains anything and everything one should know about my books. Aaaaand a lot more as well. |