April 2019
Levi Cranston and Kevin Maggliardi had just finished a run along the Charles River in Boston. They sat along the river to catch their breath and regain their composures. “Did I tell you the story about when my friends and I did the energy drink challenge?” Kevin asked his friend. “Yeah, I think so. Don’t remember offhand,” Levi replied. “It was literally the stupidest thing we could’ve done.” “Remind me what happened?” “It was really more of a science project,” Kevin said. “We wanted to see the difference in our heart rate before and after we had energy drinks.” “Yeah, that sounds like something my friends would have done as well,” Levi remarked. “Can’t speak for Jing, Wong, or David, but after I drank a can and a half of the stuff, my heart was pounding, and it took me a while to fall asleep.” “When Jack, David, Asad, and I were in high school, we ran down the alleys in downtown Valpo. I didn’t tell my mom what she did. When she found out from another parent, she was super pissed.” “I did some crazy stuff with a few friends in high school as well, but nothing like that.”
September 2009
Kevin Maggliardi and his older sister, Addison, came home from school for the day. Kevin was a sophomore, and Addison was a senior. They went to high school in Cranston, Rhode Island. Kevin had been struggling with cold and flu symptoms but ultimately decided to suck it up and go to school. When Kevin walked through the front door of their house, he felt a sharp burning sensation and nausea in his stomach. Before, he knew it, he was kneeling on the floor, throwing up on their rug just inside the house. His parents rushed toward him and gave him a trash bin to throw up in. Kevin was so embarrassed. His face was flushed, his heart was pounding so hard that he felt like it could burst inside his chest, and he had the worst nausea that he remenbered having. He sat upright with his back against the door, and his arms over the trash bin. If he made any sudden movements, he would probably get sick again. His dad picked him up and carried him to the couch, so he could rest. Kevin knew he couldn’t go to school the next day. He had a fever of 102. Spring 2019
Kevin Maggliardi was walking over to Levi Cranston’s and Jack Andrews’ Boston apartment. He was tired after an intense workout, and he didn’t want to do much. Jing Hao, Mike Wong, and Asad Prejesh were going to Cambridge. Levi, Jack, and Kevin weren’t up to joining them. When Kevin walked into his friends’ apartment, he noticed that Levi was sleeping. Jack was watching stupid cartoons on TV. “Hi Kevin,” Jack said. “Hi Jack,” Kevin replied sleepily. Levi was sleeping on one couch. Jack was sitting on one end of another couch. Kevin fell asleep on the couch within ten minutes. Spring 2018
Jack Andrews, Levi Cranston, and Kevin Maggliardi were hanging out at the tennis courts. They all felt that they needed some time to play some matches. Mike Wong, Jing Hao, and Asad Prejesh were invited to join them as well, but they declined. They had other plans in downtown Boston. “Worst effing day of my life,” Jack remarked. “Why? What happened?” Levi asked. “The girl I told you about, right? She decided to friend-zone me.” “Oh shit, that has to suck.” “Yeah. I really liked her. I thought we were on the same wavelength, and she was really pretty.” Jack remarked. “You’ll find another person,” Levi said. “Not right now. This one shook me to the core.” “Well, I remember my worst day.” “I think I know where this is going.” “The day I had my tonsils removed,” Levi stated. “That day also sucked for me, but I remember an even worse day for me,” Kevin said. “You had your tonsils removed, too?” Levi asked. “Yeah, it hurt.” “What else happened?” “Summer of my senior year of high school, I was in a bad car accident, but I walked away from it relatively unscathed,” Kevin said. “I was also in a car accident a couple years ago, right by my parents’ house. You weren’t badly hurt, were you?” Levi asked. “No, not really. I had a mild concussion, but I couldn’t do anything but rest for about a week. I had to have a CT scan and an MRI to make sure I didn’t have any severe head injuries from the accident.” “I also had a concussion, and I also had to go through the same tests. The MRI sucks.” “I remember the loud noise and my head pounding.” “It was the worst. The guy that hit me was drunk. Thank goodness I wasn’t badly hurt.” Hello everyone, and Happy Tuesday!
Today, I am going to talk to you about Levi Cranston's, Jack Andrews', and Asad Prejesh's new friend, Kevin Maggliardi and his siblings. They have all known each other since Levi, Jack, and Asad moved to Boston. * Kevin Nathaniel Maggliardi was born on June 17, 1993 in Boston, Massachusetts. * He grew up in Cranston, Rhode Island, and he and Levi both believe that they may have a few mutual connections from Rhode Island. * Kevin had his tonsils taken out in 2006, during the summer of his seventh grade year. * Sheridan had his tonsils taken out in 2018, about two weeks before Kevin was held at gunpoint. * Graham and Addison still have their tonsils. * Kevin graduated third in his high school class. * He has two older brothers and one older sister: Sheridan, Graham, and Addison. * Sheridan Charles Maggliardi was born on June 5, 1986 in Long Island, New York. * Graham Russell Maggliardi was born on May 15, 1989 in Chicago, Illinois. * Addison Jane Maggliardi was born on April 27, 1991 in Chicago, Illinois. * Kevin played soccer his freshman year in high school. He played tennis for the rest of his high school career. * The kids are half Italian on their dad's side, and one quarter English and one quarter Polish on their mom's side. * The kids have 6 cousins on their dad’s side, and 5 cousins on their mom’s side. Their cousins’ ages range between 32 and 50. * Their mom was adopted when she was just born. * Their dad was born in New York, and is 100% Italian. * Sheridan “Charlie” lives in London and is an engineering professor. * Graham lives in Brooklyn, New York and is working in IT. * Addison lives in Chicago, Illinois and is an avid photographer. She also works in Human Resources. * Kevin lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is working in IT. That is all I have for tonight. Have a great rest of your weekend! Summer 2001
Kevin Maggliardi just turned 8 years old and finished an evening of playing soccer with his friends at the park. He came home to his older siblings, Sheridan, 14, Graham, 12, and Addison, 10, playing video games. Sheridan was more watching than playing. He was lying sideways on the couch. Kevin climbed on the couch and decided to lie next to his older brother, Sheridan. He wrapped his arms around his older brother and put his ear on his chest, so that he could hear his heartbeat and his breathing. Kevin fell asleep within 15 minutes, and Sheridan’s arm was wrapped around Kevin. Sheridan’s heartbeat was a bit fast, since he has asthma, but it was also very relaxing. Kevin started snoring softly, and Sheridan got Graham’s and Addison’s attention and showed them Kevin sleeping soundly. Summer 2012
Kevin Maggliardi and his girlfriend, Shanti Lee, just graduated from high school in Cranston, Rhode Island. The next day, they spent the afternoon and evening together. It was about 11 pm, and Kevin just drove into his driveway. His parents were expecting him around that time. When Kevin walked in the house, he was giggling uncontrollably. His mom took notice. “You alright, Kid?” His mom asked him. “Mm-hm,” Kevin responded in between giggles. Kevin went up to his bedroom and lay on his bed. He could not stop smiling and giggling uncontrollably. His dad came in to check on him. “Hi Kevin,” his dad greeted him as he walked in. “Hi,” Kevin replied, still lying on his back on his bed, giggling uncontrollably. “How was your evening with the lady?” “Good.” “That’s good,” his dad, Umberto, said. “She’s really cute. I love her,” Kevin stated. “Yes, she’s pretty great. You chose well.” “I had a good time.” “That’s good. What did you guys do?” Kevin thought about it for a split second, then he made some motions with his hands signaling pulling off a shirt. Then he made kissing motions with his hands. His dad was very amused by this. January 6, 2019
Levi Cranston (The Magic Video Game), Jack Andrews, Asad Prejesh, Mike Wong, Kevin Maggliardi, and Jing Hao spent an afternoon in downtown Boston. Kevin left early because he was really not feeling well. Once he got back to his apartment in Cambridge, he fell asleep on his bed. He didn’t even bother pulling his covers over him, he was so out of it. Around 4 pm, he heard a knock on his door in his subconscious, but he didn’t wake up. It was his roommate, John Harold, who slowly opened the door. Kevin was sleeping on his stomach, with his head buried in his pillow. When John knew that he was still sleeping, he closed the door and let Kevin sleep a little longer. A couple hours later, Jing came home from an afternoon in downtown Cambridge with everyone else. He needed to get ready for the week, and he was hoping that Kevin could come with him to get his groceries. But he wasn’t sure if he would be up for it. Jing slowly opened the door into Kevin’s room and noticed that he was still sleeping. He walked up to him and gently shook him. After a few minutes, Kevin slowly stirred in his bed. His eyes were still closed, and he slowly waved at Jing. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” Jing said to his friend and roommate. “Good morning,” Kevin replied quietly. “What time is it?” “It’s six o’clock.” “AM or PM?” “Your ma,” Jing replied. “Very nice,” Kevin remarked even more quietly, pulling his pillow over his head. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears. “How do you feel?” “Like garbage.” “So I take it you don’t want to go back out tonight?” “No.” Kevin decided to take the next day off work to recover from his cold. He actually started to feel a burning sensation in his chest, most likely from coughing so much. It didn’t hurt for him to breathe, but he was at least mindful of it. His nose was really stuffed up, and he felt worse now than he did when we was out and about with everyone else. January 6, 2019
Jack Andrews, Levi Cranston (The Magic Video Game), Asad Prejesh, Jing Hao, Kevin Maggliardi, and Mike Wong all ventured out to downtown Boston to hang out for a few hours. Levi’s girlfriend, Mackenzie Burbanks, was having a girls’ day in with a couple of her friends to watch movies. The six boys were at their favorite coffee shop during the middle of the day. They all went out for pizza, and now they felt like getting themselves a cup of coffee. It was about 2 o’clock in the afternoon, and all six boys were sitting inside the coffee shop talking about nothing other than tennis. Jack looked over at Kevin and realized that he wasn’t nearly as talkative as he normally is. Kevin had dark spots under his eyes, which Jack noticed earlier today, but now he didn’t look well at all. His nose was very red now. “You alright, Kevin?” Jack questioned. “Yeah, I’ve got a really bad cold. I thought I could do more than what I really could do,” Kevin replied. “Yeah, take it easy.” “I think I’m gonna head back to Cambridge soon.” “Yeah, you probably should,” Jack said. “I’m like really tired all of a sudden,” Kevin responded. “Alright. Let us know when you get back.” “I will. I just started getting a pounding headache. Didn’t hit me in the chest like it usually does.” “Well, that’s good.” “Yeah, I think I’m gonna head out now. I really don’t feel well at all.” Kevin picked up his backpack off the floor and said goodbye to everyone. He headed toward the door toward the common, where he was going to pick up the red line to take him back to his apartment in Cambridge. Once he got back home, he was very likely going to fall asleep as soon as he could. The other five boys were going to stay out until about 5 or 6 in the evening, and then they were all going to get ready for the week ahead of them. “Kevin’s been really sick for the past couple days,” Jing said. “He sounded really stuffed up when we all met,” Jack replied. “Yeah, he has a bad cold. He told me that he might take tomorrow off from work to recover.” “Yeah, hopefully he will consider that.” “The only other time I saw him really sick was when he had the flu in college. Then, he got me sick with it,” Jing remarked. “That’s nice of him to give you the flu!” Jack chuckled. “I mean, I’ve seen him when he’s had a cold, but it didn’t hit him as hard as this one has. Or I might be wrong.” “Colds suck.” “The flu sucks worse.” “Yes, it does.” Jack was at their table with Mike and Jing. Kevin had made it home, and by the time he took off his shoes and lay on his bed, he was passed out. Chances were pretty good that once Jing came home, Kevin would still be sleeping. Their two other roommates went to New York City for the weekend, and they were likely not coming back until at least 9 pm tonight. Levi and Asad were at the counter looking at what desserts to get. Asad wasn’t sure what he was going to get, but Levi wanted to get something for Mackenzie. “I’m thinking about getting Mackenzie the fruit tart. What do you think?” Levi asked Asad. “She like strawberries, doesn’t she?” Asad responded. “Yes, that’s her favorite fruit.” “Are you getting sick, too? You sound really stuffed up.” “I think so. I hope Kevin didn’t give me his cooties,” Levi said. “He probably did,” Asad remarked. “I took a sick day on Friday because I was really not feeling well. I feel better now, but I hate my nose right now.” “Understandable.” “Get Mackenzie the fruit tart!” Mike greeted Asad and Levi. “That’s what I’m thinking about getting her!” Levi exclaimed. “What do you guys want to do after this?” “Cambridge?” “Okay!” October 13, 2018
Kevin Nathaniel Maggliardi, one of Levi Cranston’s (The Magic Video Game) friends whom he met in Boston, was spending the mid-day on the phone with his older brother, who lives in London. Kevin's older brother, Sheridan Charles Maggliardi, who is 32 years old, just recently had his tonsils removed after several bouts of strep throat. At the age of 32 years old, no one would or should expect that to happen. Kevin felt that it was his job to walk him through the recovery stage, since he himself had to have his tonsils taken out at the age of 12, and that was in 2006. Kevin is now 25 years old. "Dude, I feel like shit," Sheridan spoke quietly on the phone. "How's your throat?" Kevin asked. "It hurts like hell. I want ice cream." "Then, get someone to give you some." "My girlfriend is out, and my other friends are playing a show. I really don't want to get up," Sheridan remarked. "That was me when I had mine out. My throat really hurt for the first three to four days, and then I started feeling better," Kevin said. "This is Day 7. I should be getting over this by now." "Isn't it worse when you get your tonsils removed as an adult?" "I don't know, I don't care." "So, what are you doing to keep you busy?" "Watching TV. What are you up to, aside from talking to me?" "Not much. Taking it easy today, I think." Kevin was lying on his stomach on his bed, with his laptop facing him, since he was talking to Sheridan that way. He hadn't really planned anything with his friends today, since he wanted to get his laundry done, and he felt that today was a good today to not do anything extravagant. His friends, Levi Cranston, Mackenzie Burbanks, Jack Andrews, Jing Hao, Asad Prejesh, and Mike Wong, were spending an afternoon playing board games and card games at Levi's, Mackenzie's, Jack's, and Asad's apartment in the Allston neighborhood of Boston, but Kevin declined. He wanted to take today to spend talking to Sheridan and helping him through recovering from his tonsillectomy. Kevin had not left the apartment at all today, and he was perfectly okay with that. It was now 1 o'clock in the afternoon Boston time. He woke up at 10 am, showered, and started on his laundry. Today was his day, and he was going to make the most out of it. Although Sheridan and Kevin were still online, they were silent for about five minutes. Sheridan looked totally out of it. His eyes were half-way open, he had an ice pack around his neck, and his hair looked pretty unkempt. In May, Sheridan decided to cut his hair to match Kevin's hairstyle. Kevin couldn't remember if he had brushed his hair this morning. Either way, it didn't look horrible. "What are you watching right now, Charles?" Kevin asked his older brother. Sheridan has always gone by "Charles" or "Charlie" to his family and friends. Kevin has always gone by "Kid" to his family. "Some rubbish I can't understand, given my state," Sheridan remarked. "What TV shows have you gotten into?" "None recently." "I'm putting some on, once we end our call," Kevin remarked. "You're literally doing nothing today?" Sheridan questioned his younger brother. "Nope, and it feels wonderful. Haven't left the apartment at all today." "That's nice." "My friends and I hung out at our place last night. So I think it's a good idea to take a day off. Jing, Wong, and I are doing something tomorrow for sure." "That sounds fun." |
April 2023
About my BlogMy blog contains anything and everything one should know about my books. Aaaaand a lot more as well. |