April 2019
Levi Cranston and Kevin Maggliardi had just finished a run along the Charles River in Boston. They sat along the river to catch their breath and regain their composures. “Did I tell you the story about when my friends and I did the energy drink challenge?” Kevin asked his friend. “Yeah, I think so. Don’t remember offhand,” Levi replied. “It was literally the stupidest thing we could’ve done.” “Remind me what happened?” “It was really more of a science project,” Kevin said. “We wanted to see the difference in our heart rate before and after we had energy drinks.” “Yeah, that sounds like something my friends would have done as well,” Levi remarked. “Can’t speak for Jing, Wong, or David, but after I drank a can and a half of the stuff, my heart was pounding, and it took me a while to fall asleep.” “When Jack, David, Asad, and I were in high school, we ran down the alleys in downtown Valpo. I didn’t tell my mom what she did. When she found out from another parent, she was super pissed.” “I did some crazy stuff with a few friends in high school as well, but nothing like that.”
November 2020
Jack Andrews and Levi Cranston were coming up with a list of people for Secret Santa this year and figure out who would be whose Secret Santa. Several people on the list don’t live in Boston, so their package would have to be sent by mail. “Jack, can you give me a rundown of the list that we have? I want to make sure I’m not missing anyone,” Levi asked. “You, me, Asad, David Savino, Kevin, Jing, Mike, David Rogers, Mackenzie, Shanti, Suzanne, Jenny, David Ingram, Brody, Andrew McCalsky, Adam, and Ben. Am I missing anyone else?” Jack replied. “Rhody Leyman, my old neighbor. Everyone knows him. Can I be his Secret Santa?” “Hell yeah. I guess.” “Also, missing two other girls that Suzanne and them know,,” Levi said. “Who are they again?” Jack asked. “The twins, Ariana and Alyssa.” “Oh! Right. Suzanne knows them from school.” “I already know what I’m getting Rhody.” “What are you getting him?” Jack questioned his best friend. “That goofy-ass mug I was telling you about,” Levi remarked. “Then you should get it for him as his Secret Santa. Where does he live now?” “He lives in Chicago. Been there for about 5-6 years.” October 2020
Levi Cranston was doing a video chat with one of his friends, David Ingram. It was a while since they last spoke, especially with both being super busy with work and then the Covid outbreak on top of that. They were on the phone for a good 2 hours. Levi's friends were playing games with each other. Same went for David's friends. "How is it going in Boston?" David asked. "It's good. Jack, Asad, Mackenzie, and I live in the same building as our other friends who have lived there for a few years," Levi replied. "How is San Francisco treating you?" "Not bad. I am occupied with work and all, and obviously trying to wait out this stupid thing called Covid." "Same here." "Just thought about this, and I have meant to ask you. Have you heard anything from Andrew?" David asked. "Andrew....?" Levi replied. "Grzedek." "Oh! No. We haven't talked in a while. I see a lot of his posts on social media. He is in Chicago, I believe. Living with a few of his friends?" "Yeah, I saw that, too. He lives in Lincoln Park, not too far away from my brother, Toby." "Nice. Chicago is great. My parents actually moved to Chicago and gave their house to our grandparents. This happened last year after Evelyn Maeve graduated from high school. She lives in Boston but temporarily lives with my sister, Liz, because of the pandemic," Levi said. "Yeah. I miss Andrew. I know he is super active on social media since he does marketing. But I know he has also been very busy with family," David remarked. "Yeah, he and Caleb are nice. I didn't feel as if I had a lot in common with them, though." "Last we talked was two months ago I believe." September 2020
Kevin Maggliardi went to his parents’ house in Cranston, Rhode Island for the weekend. This was the first time in a few months that he has been home, and he also wanted to spend some time with us second cousin, Rosie. His girlfriend, Shanti Lee, was also in Rhode Island, but she was visiting her family right now. It was around 3 pm, and Kevin was watching some TV since he was really tired after a grueling week of work, tennis, and soccer. His cousin and her family came over for the afternoon, and Rosie was on his chest. Kevin fell asleep with Rosie wrapped in his arms. He was sleeping on his left side, with Rosie’s left arm wrapped around his right side. Her right arm was nestled under his left arm. Kevin’s cousin walked over to them and saw them napping together. She could even hear Rosie snoring softly. His cousin shook him gently until he slowly woke up. He had slept for over an hour with Rosie in his arms. It took him a while to wake up, but Rosie was still asleep. Kevin moved over on his back, and Rosie was nestled under his left arm. Spring 2017
Kevin Maggliardi and his best friend, Jing Hao, were moving into their Cambridge, MA apartment with a couple other good friends, David Vittorio and John Harold. After seven hours of intense moving of furniture and other things, Kevin wanted some time to himself in his room. His bed was assembled, so he lay on his bed after breaking a sweat with moving. His room was dead silent, but he didn’t care. He closed his eyes and relaxed for a bit. After a few seconds, he paid so much attention to the dead silence, that he listened to his blood flowing. |
April 2023
About my BlogMy blog contains anything and everything one should know about my books. Aaaaand a lot more as well. |