From The Magic Video Game
Back on Marty’s boat, everyone was happy that they were closing in on Wakahakai. And they were also excited about the fact that Darveda, Nelson, and Hilda were gone for at least a little while. They would not get their hands on Winderplassic Estates until further notice. About another thirty minutes, and everyone would be on a beach. Right now, they were on a boat. Obviously. “Just think about all the neat things we’ll have in Wakahakai: beaches, volleyball, coconuts, pineapples, pina coladas, strawberry daiquiris, and my personal favorite, horchata,” Marty said gleefully. “Don’t forget sunscreen!” Kaloi reminded Marty. “Thank you. I forgot.” “Cosmo, I think you’re about to hit the beaches,” Sporto said to Cosmo. “I don’t have a baseball bat!” Cosmo replied. Now came the ha-ha’s. Thirty minutes seemed like a complete drag. These several minutes could not pass quickly enough, or so it seemed. Olivia and Levi challenged each other to a car racing game with Princess Spaziana watching them. She was really not in the mood to play video games. She was more excited about returning to Wakahakai. It felt as if it has been way too long since they had been at their own “vale of paradise.” Two minutes after the boat finally stopped, a lady greeted everyone as they left the boat. “Welcome to Wakahakai. Aloha-Ee. Aloha-Oh. Pigs Can Fly,” she greeted in a montone. “Truth is, pigs can fly,” Sporto replied. “Herro, everybody!” Cosmo announced hysterically, of course. And the truth had finally come. They were back in Wakahakai. Officially. Once everyone left the boat, they found a spot on the beach and got themselves pizza and pina coladas. Afterwards, Marty and his friends, plus Olivia and Levi, played a few games of volleyball. Life had gotten peaceful once again. Everyone had played about four games of volleyball before they all grew exhausted of this sport. Once they finished, Levi and Marty showed off to everyone by doing backward hand springs and cartwheels, among other gymnastic skills. After about thirty minutes, Levi decided that he wanted to break away from everyone else and enjoy the peace at this divine beach. While he was sitting on a bench for a little while, drinking his pina colada, eating a few more pieces of pizza, and watching Olivia, Princess Spaziana, and the creatures goof off, he felt his cell phone vibrate. He took the ringing phone out of his pocket and fumbled it several times before he could actually try to answer it. Mackenzie was trying to call him, but Levi unfortunately missed the call. After realizing whom it was, he called Mackenzie back. After a few rings…. “Hello?” Mackenzie answered. “Hey, Mackenzie!” Levi answered back. “Hey, what’s up?” “Not much. How about you?” “I’m doing well. I miss you!” “Aw, I miss you, too! How is Long Island?” “Actually, we ended up not going. I was so sad!” “Why couldn’t you go?” “My little cousin is sick. Again.” “That does not sound like fun. And it’s summer, for crying out loud!” “I know. He is on his fourth bout of tonsillitis. My four-year-old cousin, Matt, may have to have his tonsils taken out soon.” “Oh no!” “Is it really that bad?” “Yes. When I had my tonsils removed, my throat hurt like an inferno for about two weeks.” “Oh no. That doesn’t sound pleasant.” “It was not.” “Well, I hope it doesn’t happen to Matt.” “I also hope not!” “Well, what are you doing?” “About to go on a run. How about you?” “Video games with Andrew.” “Ah. Have fun!” “You, too! Well, Andrew is getting impatient, so I’ll talk to you later!” “Bye now!” Once Levi hung up his phone, he stretched and warmed up a bit, and then he started running along the shoreline. The beach in Wakahakai resembled the beaches in Rhode Island. While quickly passing other creatures and some people, Levi’s mind went straight to the memories that he has of him and Victoria running along the Atlantic Ocean. Every summer, the Cranston’s like to spend at least two weeks in Rhode Island, since they have several relatives who still live there. They would most likely be going to Rhode Island later this summer because of some business trips and various work schedules. They normally like to go from the middle of June until the beginning of July, almost always soon after the Fourth of July. However, it would be different this year, especially since Victoria was also going to visit a few colleges in Rhode Island while the family makes their trip this summer. Levi imagined Victoria right next to him, but he then realized that if he tried to talk to her, he would feel a bit awkward because she was really back at home, probably getting ready to make some more college visits. However, Levi was really enjoying himself. It had been at least a day since he was really free to go on a run. He didn’t have to take a certain path. He didn’t have to listen to music while running. He could just hear the beautiful whooshes of the water flowing against his bare feet. An hour had passed, and he was extremely sore from this run. Running barefoot along the shoreline has always been quite a workout for both Levi and Victoria. The boy did have his ankle brace on, so his ankles didn’t really hurt that much. He just ached all over. Olivia and the creatures eventually saw Levi slowly walking back toward them. He then decided to lie down on a towel that was lying in the sand and try to catch his breath. Apparently, his run was very intense. Olivia walked over to Levi. Cosmo waddled over to Levi. The penguin was supposed to act serious right now. As if that would happen. Cows! There were cows that moseyed their sweet way along the beach. A little too much attention deficit disorder going on right now. A boy who was trying to catch his breath due to the climate, a penguin who could never take things seriously, and cows. “Cosmo, can you help me make sure he’s okay?” Olivia asked. “I’m fine, Olivia,” Levi answered breathlessly. “Will do, Madame Olivia,” Cosmo answered in a monotone. The penguin put his head against Levi’s stomach, confusing that with his heartbeat. It was, for unknown reasons, that the radical penguin would have confused two such things, but maybe it is typical for penguins to do so. Cosmo was listening intently to Levi’s belly sounds echoing through his small ears. His stomach’s gurgling noises were very loud, according to the penguin. Cosmo moved his head to where his ear was now pressed against Levi’s belly button, since Levi’s shirt was pulled up to his chest. The boy felt quite a bit of pressure on his stomach and felt as if Cosmo’s head was actually glued to it. “Your heart sounds….uh….gurgly,” Cosmo almost shouted. “That’s not his heart, you goof. It’s up here,” Olivia told the goofy penguin as she pointed to her younger brother’s chest, and Cosmo put his head against where she pointed. Levi didn’t really care about Olivia worrying so much about him. He just wanted to be able to catch his breath and then play at least one more game of volleyball before he and Olivia left for Valparaiso. Since he has mild to moderate asthma, it has always been in Olivia’s best interest to worry about him in times like these. For a few minutes, Cosmo’s head stayed against Levi’s chest. The boy didn’t really care about this either. He just let Cosmo listen to the soothing sound of his heart beating. For all he knew, penguins probably don’t even know what a heart sounds like. It has also been thought that penguins are a seemingly serious species of birds who don’t scream at the tops of their lungs; anyone who knew this would eventually be proven wrong. There are some penguins, such as Cosmo, who can also speak in a plethora of different accents. And, above all, it has been thought that all penguins live in Antarctica and not some supposedly fictitious island in Hawaii. “Ah, your heart’s a pounding drum inside you, Levi,” Cosmo said in a somewhat hysterical Irish accent. Levi just nodded and gave Cosmo a thumb up. He was trying very hard to catch his breath. It wasn’t that Levi was having another one of his asthma flare-ups. It was more that the climate was extremely humid, and he felt more pressure on his lungs because of it. He closed his eyes and hoped that all this would end quickly since his chest was starting to hurt. The boy just lay on the towel. His whole body was sore from this intense run. He did not want to get up yet since he felt like he had pulled several muscles all at one time. Levi was still breathing relatively hard, but it was improving rather quickly, a sign that he didn’t think he would have an asthma attack. The extremely low height above sea level was probably to blame, hence the humidity. Cosmo got up and waddled toward his friends who were waiting for more people to participate in one final volleyball game. All Levi wanted right now was to keep himself from being completely breathless. “Hey, Levi, do you feel an attack coming on?” Olivia asked her younger brother. “No. I just need to calm down,” Levi answered, slightly panting. “The weather is very humid, you know.” “That’s why it’s so hard to breathe.” “I think we’re even closer to sea level here than we are when we’re in Rhode Island.” “I’m sure we are.” Olivia helped Levi up, and they both walked over to the creatures. It was now 7:30 in the evening, Valparaiso time. After Olivia looked at her watch, she and Levi both agreed that they needed to be home shortly. They figured they could have another hour on the beach, but their family would be worried sick if they were still gone past 8:30 tonight. “Got volleyball?” Marty asked. “Absolutely,” Levi answered. “Well, I can’t stay this long,” Princess Spaziana remarked. “Why not?” “My sister is hosting a masquerade, and it is in my best interest to be there and be part of everything going on. I’m sorry to tell you all this, but I have to leave now. Goodbye, my dear friends.” “Goodbye, Princess Spaziana,” the creatures answered simultaneously. Princess Spaziana walked over to Olivia and Levi and gave both of them a hug. Then, she kissed Levi on the cheek. Levi’s body started burning up. The boy blushed after he felt her warm lips press against his cheek, and he was also a bit embarrassed. Since he already has a girlfriend. Perhaps Princess Spaziana is European. “Yay!” Cosmo, Jack McFrost, and Jefferson shouted and applauded for Princess Spaziana and Levi. “It’s just what we do as a Royal Monarchy. Well, I must go. And I hope to see you all soon,” the princess said to the two kids. Olivia and Levi waved back at Princess Spaziana. Before they knew it, she was picked up in a nice blue car by her father. And then they drove off into the abyss. It would probably be a while before the two kids saw her again. At least until they returned to Wakahakai, whenever that might be.
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