From The Magic Video Game 4: The Upbringing of a New Comedian
It was eight o'clock in the morning, and Levi's alarm clock went off. The constant beep-beeps were coming from the clock by his nightstand. Levi slowly moved his left arm toward the alarm clock and tried turning it off. His hand consistently missed the right button, so he gave up on that. He clenched the same fist and subconsciously raised it above the alarm clock. He clearly wasn't quite sure what he was doing, since he was still half-asleep. However, he did know for sure that he did not want to get out of bed. The question was: why was his alarm clock set to eight o'clock in the morning? That is way too early for him. Levi's fist pounded on the button on the alarm clock. That worked, at least for a little while. Levi was able to sleep for two more hours. Once that time was up, he subconsciously heard his alarm go off again. This time, Levi knew what was going to happen. He was in control of everything, and he was going to get what he wanted, which was more sleep. Levi was not going to guess which button to press to turn off the alarm clock, and he was also not going to pound down on it. He had another idea. He was going to push the whole clock off the table with his hand. The somewhat lightweight object fell to the ground with a loud crash. Levi stayed in bed. He did not really care to get up right now. Levi knew that Prussia, one of their two cats, was snuggled up next to him for the time being. And, with this in mind, he was enjoying his time sleeping on his very comfortable futon. Then, his mom came into the room. "Levi, Rhody's coming over in thirty minutes," Mrs. LeVole said to her son. "Why?" Levi asked in his sleep. " invited him over." "Since when?" "You told me yesterday that you wanted him over, so I assumed you invited him," said Mrs. LeVole. "Oh, I did?" Levi remarked, semi-smart-alecky. "He said he's coming in about thirty minutes." "Okay. He can wake me up." "Levi, please." "I'm up." It did not take long for Levi to wake up and get ready for the day. He came down to the kitchen after taking a quick five minute shower and made himself some cereal, since he was in the mood for it. He then lay on the couch in the common area so that he could focus on waking up before his friend came over. It was now 10:25 in the morning, and he heard a knock on the door. He slowly got up and opened the door to find out that it was Rhody. “Hey, Rhody,” Levi greeted his friend and neighbor at the door. “Yo,” Rhody responded. “Wanna play some video games?” “I’m down for some of the classic stuff.” “Cool beans. I’ll set up the system,” Levi replied. “What have you been up to today?” Rhody asked. “Woke up about thirty minutes ago.” “Yeah. Same. I just did not want to get out of bed.” “I didn’t either. My cat didn’t want me to wake up.” “That’s right. Always blame it on the cat.” “Well, Prussia was just being too cute.” “As always.” It was one of those extremely lazy days. Levi had Rhody over since 10:30, and they had spent all of their time playing video games. Levi ate something when he had just woken up at 10 in the morning, but he was starting to get hungry again. Honestly, Rhody was starting to get hungry as well. When it was Rhody's turn to play, Levi decided to lie on his back on the floor. His stomach started to make very loud noises, and Rhody could hear it. He laughed to himself while playing his turn. Levi's face grew as red as a maraschino cherry. He couldn't help that his stomach was being loud today. And Rhody was probably going to laugh at him for that. "Want to order Chinese?" Levi asked his neighbor and friend. "I thought you'd never ask," Rhody replied. "I guess I was reading your mind." "I think you were." "I'm just really hungry, and I want Chinese," Levi remarked. "Where do you want to go?" Rhody asked. "I think you know." "I think I know as well." "Should we go out then?" "Yes. Let's walk there." “We have nothing else better to do, so why not?” “Definitely.” Levi and Rhody were not the only ones home. Levi's mom was at home, but she was working on a mini project for her own business. Victoria was at her apartment with her friends. Olivia went to Louise's family's house with their dad and younger sister, Evelyn Maeve. And Rhody's sister, Jayneley, had the day off. So, with that in mind, Victoria, Felisha, Bonita, and Jayneley were most likely planning to go to Chicago today. It was a nice day to do so. Levi's mom was not going to be at home for very long. After finishing up on her project, she was planning to go to Louise's house as well. Levi was invited to go, but he said no because he had Rhody over. He would probably come over to Louise's once Rhody had to go back to his house. It took Levi and Rhody a little bit of time to think about what they wanted to do. Sure, they were most definitely hoping for some Chinese food. However, Levi was hoping for Chinese food a little earlier. Rhody just wanted to eat something. Levi was finishing up on his turn on the game, and then he could talk about what he wanted to do. Rhody helped himself to some milk because he was in the mood for it. He watched his friend and neighbor play the video game. He waited for him to lose the game so they could get food somewhere. Levi was just focused on getting to the next level. Two minutes later, Levi couldn't stop shouting at the game. He had lost, and now he was ready to get food. "Rhody, let's get Chinese food now," Levi remarked after he regained his composure. "Sounds good to me, bro," Rhody replied. "Which one do we go to? Should we go to that one on Lincolnway by the university?" "That's my favorite one. LEECHEE NUTS." "LEECHEE NUTS," Levi repeated humorously. "Now that's what I'm talking about," Rhody said. "Should we walk there?" "It's a thirty minute walk." "Let's walk." "I'm down for that." Levi and Rhody walked over to the Chinese restaurant. They knew it was going to take a while to get there. The two young men probably should have taken the car, but why not take advantage of this nice day? Even though the Chinese restaurant is in the uptown area of Valparaiso, Levi and Rhody were most definitely up for a nice walk. It might take them about thirty minutes to walk there, but it was worth it in the end. What else would they want to do? Levi didn't feel like driving when he knew for a fact that he and Rhody could easily walk there. And Rhody's car was in the shop. He has had issues with his car for a week. It was time for him to get it in. When they arrived at the restaurant, they were quickly seated, and they sat at a booth to wait for the server to ask them what soft drinks they’d want. "What do you call a cow with no legs?" Rhody asked. "I don't know. What do you call ‘em?" Levi asked. "Ground beef!" "Here's another one, Rhodes. What is the difference between a fish and a piano?" "Tell me another one, Levi," Rhody said. "Why not that one?" Levi asked. "You've told me that thirty million times already!" "I have?" "Yes, Levi. You definitely have." "I can't think of any other joke at the moment." There were two kids who could somehow fit the profile of menaces. They were sitting at a booth, eating their food. The kid with the long blonde hair, Adam Dahnwright, glanced up and saw some people that he would want to make a menacing conversation with. The other kid, who has shorter curly brown hair, glanced up as well. At first, they didn't want to do anything. They were hungry for Chinese food. Then, Adam was hoping to make a menacing conversation with Rhody and Levi. He knew exactly what he wanted to say. He just had to find the right time to make such a menacing conversation. And, at least the Fat Pigeon could be somewhat trusted with that. "Look, Randy. Our friends are here," Adam stated. "They are," the Fat Pigeon replied. "This was pretty....unexpected, I guess." "Tell me about it. I didn't even know that they even liked coming here." "Oh please. You know how Levi is," Adam remarked. "I know how you are," the Fat Pigeon said. "Very funny, Randy. Very funny." "It's a joke. I hope you know that." "I was kinda playing into it, to be honest." "Sure you were." “Are you going to say hi to them?” Randy asked. “Definitely, Randy. Of course I’m going to do that,” Adam replied. “Do you know where they’re sitting, Adam?” “No.” Levi and Rhody sat down to eat their Chinese food, and they didn’t pay attention to who all might have spotted them. A few minutes later, the two knuckleheads, named Adam and Randy (The Fat Pigeon), walked over to Levi and Rhody’s table and wanted to make some conversation with them. This conversation was most likely going to be somewhat goofy and hilarious because Adam has never had a “serious” conversation with Levi before. The Fat Pigeon has never had a “serious” conversation with Levi before either. In fact, The Fat Pigeon has always been one to follow Adam’s lead. “Hi friends,” Adam greeted Levi and Rhody. “Hello,” Rhody said for Levi and himself. “What are you doing?” “Drinking water. What are you doing?” “Standing here,” the Fat Pigeon replied for Adam. “Makes a lot of sense,” Rhody answered. “Are you busy?” “We have tennis practice later.” “Didn’t know you played tennis, Rhody.” “I don’t. I just watch my friends play tennis. Are you busy?” “Me and Adam are going to Adam’s grandma’s.” After Adam and the Fat Pigeon left Levi's and Rhody's table, there was complete silence for all but a few seconds. Then, Levi and Rhody could not stop laughing. It was so obvious that Adam and the Fat Pigeon wanted to make this conversation as menacing as possible. It didn't work. And Rhody and Levi knew it wouldn't. They just continued to eat their Chinese food because of how hungry they still were. They were both on their fourth plate, and they were thinking one more plate would suffice. After eating here, Rhody and Levi were greatly consider getting ice cream from their favorite place on Morgan and Lincolnway. So, basically, on their way back to Elmhurst Avenue. Unless Rhody wanted to come with Brody to his oldest half-sister's house, on Lafayette Street. “How are the lo mein noodles?” Rhody asked. “They’re really good. Get your own,” Levi replied. “I haven’t gotten the lo mein yet. I was going to go back up and get another plate. Probably just full of lo mein.” “How many plates have you gone through?” “This is my third plate. How about you?” Rhody questioned. “Same. I want another plate full of lo mein,” Levi remarked. “It was weird seeing Adam and the Fat Pigeon.” “Yes, it was. I’m hungry.” “I’m also hungry.”
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