From The Magic Video Game 4: The Upbringing of a New Comedian
Levi was lying on his stomach on the couch. He had stayed up until about four o'clock in the morning watching his favorite boxing movies. He wanted to have that movie marathon with his dad, who stayed up until two in the morning. Mackenzie wasn't coming over until later today, try 4:30. It was only 10, and Levi was wide awake. He was hoping that he could go back to sleep, so he closed his eyes and tried to relax. Duchess, one of their cats, was on top of him, so that was quite reassuring. Prussia, the other cat, was on the floor, most likely trying to take in most of the sun's rays. It looked like a nice day, so Levi probably couldn't stay in bed too long. Or on the couch. Duchess crawled over to Levi's left side and tried pawing at his messy hair. Levi was out of it again. His attempt to go back to sleep had worked, and he didn't care when he would wake up. Olivia saw him sleeping on his stomach on the couch, and decided to sit on the adjacent recliner. She thought that the sight of him sleeping comfortably was quite adorable. Especially when Duchess was right next to him. In truth, Levi looked very comfortable. Both of his arms were wrapped around the body pillow, which he was lying on top of. His hair looked messy, as usual, even when he wasn't sleeping. And his breathing was very loud yet steady. Olivia could even hear him snoring quietly. "Levi, time to wake up, buddy," Olivia stated. "No," Levi quietly replied in his sleep. "It's 11. You should definitely get up now." "I'm so sleepy. So, no." "When did you go to sleep last night?" Olivia asked. "I don't remember," Levi replied. "You gonna go back to sleep now?" "Yes." "Want thirty more minutes to sleep in?" "Yes." Even though she didn't want to wake him up, Olivia really thought she had to do so. She walked over to where Levi was sleeping and shook him gently. After doing this, Levi moaned loudly. He didn't have a blanket that he was sleeping under, so he put one of his pillows over his head. This obviously meant that he did want to wake up. He was going on a date with his girlfriend, and he was hoping to continue dreaming about what today would bring. And Duchess was still on top of him. That added to the lack of motivation to get out of bed. Duchess was most likely not going to get off soon, so he was basically stuck there. To Levi, this made for the perfect morning. "Levi, time to wake up," Olivia said to her little brother. "No," Levi replied. "Your thirty minutes are up, you know." "Are they really?" "Unfortunately," Olivia answered. "Dang it," Levi remarked. "Do you have a date with Mackenzie today?" "Yeah, but not until later." "Want thirty more minutes?" "Nah, I'll get up now." Levi finally got out of bed, his heart pounding. He wasn't quite sure why, but he figured it was mostly because he was going to see Mackenzie today. Or he might have some slight anxiety acting up. Whatever the case, he was just excited about seeing Mackenzie. Levi's hair was quite messy from moving around a lot in his sleep. He slept in what he wore that day: his favorite blue t-shirt and athletic shorts. And he wore his ankle brace, which he still needs to wear when sleeping. Levi was barefoot and totally cool with that. He really enjoyed sleeping on the most comfortable couch in the world, but he figured that now was a good a time as any to get ready for the day. After all, it seemed to be really nice out. With all of this in mind, today looked very promising. Olivia was making scrambled eggs for herself and Levi. She heated up some steak from the night before, and she figured that Levi would have really wanted that. After all, he and the kids' dad loves steak. But the kids' dad wasn't here. He went over to Victoria's apartment to drop off a few supplies that she had forgotten the last time she had come over. He was most likely going to be back in fifteen minutes. And Evelyn Maeve went with the kids' mom to brunch with a couple other girlfriends. Once Olivia was finished cooking breakfast, she set the two plates down, and Levi had obviously heard the sound of the plates from where he was, coming into the kitchen. He had gotten ready for the day and was now very hungry. And, as a matter of fact, so was Olivia. "So, Levi, do you and Mackenzie have plans today?" Olivia inquired, forking a small piece of steak in her mouth. "Whenever we don't have anything to do, I just let Mackenzie put her head against my chest and listen to my heartbeat. She likes it. I like it. What could go wrong with that?" Levi replied. "That's very cute, I'll admit." "Yeah. She seems to have some thing about it, which I think is very cute. Must be some natural instinct, ya know." "Funny story. Cameron never let me do that to him. I guess he really likes his personal space," Olivia remarked. "How are things going with him?" Levi asked. "I think we're practically back together, but he is not the kind of person who's so touchy-feely, which is fine." "Got any plans with him any time soon?" "We're going to get fried chicken on Sunday with another guy friend of his." "That sounds like fun. Did you save some steak for Dad? He'll want some I'm sure." "Absolutely." The rest of the time at home seemed like a complete blur. Levi wanted to make sure that he was more than ready for the day. He had put on his favorite shirt, dress to impress. At least that is his philosophy. And there could go nothing wrong with that. He then got into his car and drove over to Mackenzie's house on Candlewood Drive, a ten minute drive north of his house on Elmhurst Avenue. He put on his favorite rock CD and rolled down the windows while he turned the music up. This was quite calming for him, yet exciting. When he drove into Mackenzie's driveway, he was so sure that she could hear his loud heavy metal music from inside her house. Levi turned off his car and walked up to the front door, and Mackenzie greeted him before he could even ring the doorbell. "Hi Mackenzie," Levi greeted his girlfriend at her front door. He decided to wear his tuxedo print t-shirt. "Hey Levi," Mackenzie greeted back to her boyfriend. She was wearing a blue sundress with green flip flops. "You look pretty today." "Thanks! I like your shirt." "Thanks! So....where would you like to go?" Levi asked. "Our favorite park?" Mackenzie requested with a smile. "Absolutely!" "Then we should get ice cream at our favorite place!" "Absolutely!" There wasn't much question as to what Levi and Mackenzie had wanted to do. They both had their hearts set on going to their favorite park in Valparaiso, which is only a few blocks due north of where Levi's house is. Levi wanted a relaxing date. And, for that matter, so did Mackenzie. They didn't want to do anything too extravagant today, even though Levi's shirt might potentially indicate otherwise. And Mackenzie's dress as well, since it is a nicer dress. All Levi and Mackenzie needed to do was grab a thin sheet from the hall closet so that they could have something to lie on, as opposed to just the grass. Once they found a nice blue sheet, they left for their favorite park. They wanted to walk a little as well. However, they were really hoping to just lie on the grass and think positive thoughts. Levi and Mackenzie lay on the grass and stared at the sky. They didn't really want to talk right now. Instead, they just wanted to enjoy their time together. Mackenzie took her right hand and put it on Levi's chest, so that she could feel his heart beating and his breathing. This was quite relaxing for Mackenzie, and this was definitely relaxing for Levi. She was enjoying feeling her boyfriend's chest pulsing against her hand, and he was enjoying his girlfriend's presence. A few minutes later, Levi took his left hand and put it over Mackenzie's hand, so they could both feel his heartbeat. Levi was thinking long and hard about something that has been on his mind for a while. However, he was trying very hard to push it out if his mind. Even though this might have been the case, he felt as if he needed to get it off his chest. "Hey, Mackenzie?" Levi got his girlfriend's attention. It took her a little while to get out of "the zone" because she was in it for so long. "Yes?" Mackenzie asked, a few seconds later. "Have you ever thought about actually getting married?" "Not really. Have you, Levi? Be honest." "To be honest, not at all," Levi remarked, and Mackenzie could feel Levi's pulse speeding up. "I think we are on the same page," Mackenzie semi-joked. "I honestly just don't see the point in it. My mom is encouraging us to get married someday. My dad doesn't care. And I don't see how it's worth it." "I totally agree." "And, besides, I think I'm already married to you." "You stole my heart, Levi." "No. You stole my heart." Mackenzie was still in the mood for concentrating on Levi's strong and steady heartbeat. To her, this was a reassuring feeling that their relationship would last a long time. And it has. Mackenzie and Levi have been together for nearly nine years, and their relationship has always been quite strong. To Mackenzie, feeling Levi's heart beating was also a reassuring feeling that she was in a safe place with him. Naturally, she would feel that way. And so would Levi. "This is so peaceful," Levi remarked, half awake. "Yeah, and add your heartbeat in there," Mackenzie said to Levi as she gazed at him and smiled. "I can actually feel my heartbeat through your hand." "So strong." "Definitely," Levi remarked, following a heavy sigh, meaning that he was beyond relaxed. "I never knew I'd be so lucky," Mackenzie stated. "I was thinking the same thing. I'm glad that I've known you since middle school." "Got any good pickup lines for me?" "Oh God. Can't think of any right now." "That's okay." The two kids were still lying on the ground at their favorite park in Valpo. Levi was starting to drift off into a blissful sleep. But then he had to catch himself from doing so because he still wants to spend more time with the love of his life. He wanted to get ice cream from his favorite ice cream parlor in downtown Valpo. Or the ice cream that costs about 50 cents at a fast food joint would count as well. Mackenzie also wanted ice cream, so they were both in for quite the evening. "What kind of ice cream do you want?" Levi asked, still anchored to the ground, because his girlfriend's hand was on his chest, and also because he was still relaxed. "Well, I'd say I'm in the mood for horchata," Mackenzie replied. "Horchata is my favorite flavor as well. However, I do also like a mean Italian ice." "I like watermelon Italian ice." "I like any Italian ice," Levi stated. "Italian ice is really good," Mackenzie said. "I'm a quarter Italian, so I guess that kinda makes sense." "I'm also part Italian, so that also makes sense." "You're too cute, Mackenzie." "You're really cute as well, Levi."
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